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Memorial Site Wrapped Bouquet - Dozen Carnations

Memorial Site Wrapped Bouquet - Dozen Carnations

We have created this small collection of wrapped arrangements for the memorials of loved ones that may already have a vase on-site. We are happy to have them trimmed to an appropriate size for most containers! This bouquet features a dozen mixed white and red carnations.


Sizes of all Memorial Day Tributes can be customized to accomodate your needs and any budget. Whether you would like something smaller or larger, we believe Memorial Day is about remembrance, and we understand this may be a sensitive time for a lot of people. We want to reassure you that no matter what, we will create something tasteful and beautiful for your loved one. Please note, flower variety may vary depending on availability on the day of designing, but in the event that we must make a substitution, we will always make sure to reflect the spirit of the original design in the same or similar container.


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    PLEASE CALL 605-348-2035 TO ORDER

    Victoria's Garden

    320 7th Street

    Rapid City, SD 57701


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    Regular Hours:

    Mon - Fri : 8am - 5:30pm

    Sat : 8am - 2pm

    Closed Sundays

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